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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Negotiating Your Venue Contract

A couple of posts ago I talked about how there are extra costs in every venue that can really add up. Besides being aware of what to look for when you are scouting out new venues, always know that you can negotiate. Everyone thinks about negotiation differently, some people think it's tacky or awkward or even an absolute no. My view on negotiation is that the worst they can say is no, so why not try? You might end up with exactly what you want for the cost you want and who wouldn't love that?! I think most things are negotiable, including your contract. It is important though to be reasonable and do your homework! Below are some tips on ways to get what you want.

  1. Ask: You can't get what you want if you don't ask. I understand some people are shy or feel uncomfortable with confronting venue wedding coordinators. I would suggest that if you can't come out and do it face to face then sending a polite e-mail is always and acceptable option. Make sure you are clear about what you want and if you are willing to make any compromises, and be polite! If you want a face to face discussion then bring a friend or family member. They will help diffuse any tension and can back you up if you need it. 
  2. Read all the fine print: Make sure that before you ask for any changes you read through any contracts in their entirety. You would hate to ask for something that is already outlined in the contract. Make sure you fully understand all the details in the contract and if you don't ask a the venue rep to explain. If possible have a professional (could be a family or friend) review to make sure everything looks legal and is fair.
  3. Know what you want: Before you ask for any changes, know what you want and be clear about what you are asking for. The more clear your requests are the more likely they are to be taken seriously. When I asked for changes in my venue contract, I supplied specific wording and changes things to exactly how I wanted them to read. This allowed my venue rep to know what questions to ask her manager and get straight answers. (mine was no, haha)
  4. After the answer: So they say yes! Congrats you got what you wanted and it was worth it! They said no, don't worry things don't have to be weird.  My venue said no to my requests but I loved them enough that it wasn't a deal breaker. For some places it will be a deal breaker if they turn you down but for other places it will be no big deal. If you choose to do business with them afterwards, continue to act in a professional manner and be polite. Don't whine or complain about how they denied your requests. After all you chose to work with them afterwards. 
In short, I think it's always fair to ask for changes in the contract or policies as long as you are reasonable,  knowledgeable and polite. Here is a great article on what not to do when negotiating. Leave a comment if you've ever negotiated a contract and have an tips for future brides! Happy hunting! 

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